Statistical Overview
The Plasma Axe is a mid-line melee weapon, doing more overall damage than the Plasma Knife and Plasma Odachi, but not as much as the Sword. At 150 damage, the axe will cut into shields and do remaining damage to the target's HP bar, making it a decent option for dispatching regular troopers. This comes at a cost, however, and it only has 3 swings before the axe overheats.
In-Game Behavior
The best use of the axe is to target bunched up groups, preferably hills and points. Axe's aoe tick of damage stacks with every target hit meaning it can insta kill 2 stock powersuits granted they're both in range. and actually increases your hitbox when being used.
- Superior damage to the Knife and Odachi
- 50 tick of AOE damage stacks with every target hit
- Barrier to block non explosive guns
- Less swings per magazine
- Being a melee weapon, you lack range to hit targets without external support.
- Slow swing rate
- Increases hitbox when used